Dear Diary #3 (My Disney Experience)
“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started by a mouse”
This week I went to Walt Disney World, Orlando Florida for the NACA (National Association for Campus Activities) Disney Leadership Conference. It was a such an incredible trip as well as a magical one because this was my first time at Disney World. I still cannot find the words to describe the magic that was Disney World. The parks, attractions, resort and characters all put together made for such an amazing experience, it was the perfect Disney Experience.
I did not realize I needed a break from the constant roller-coaster that has been my life this summer until I got back home and everyone began to compliment me about my sudden "Glow". Yes! I guess I was glowing. At Disney, I got to tour underground Disney (Where all the magic happens), met and interacted with Cast members (Employees), and rode every ride that I wasn't scared of (which was just a few). I hung out with the best people and ate some fantastic food (mostly ice-cream). I cannot possibly begin to explain all that I did during my trip but since I needed that break from reality and Disney was my perfect escape. My Disney experience was truly magical and I cannot wait to do it all over again (for free of course).