Twenty lessons I've Learnt Turning Twenty
20 years filled with memories, 20 years filled with emotions, 20 years filled with several moments of growth worth treasuring. I am 20 (if you havent guessed) and this means- I am officially not a teenager anymore! This year I can say that turning 20 is indeed a big milestone and thus, the beginning of new adventures. However, I'll be remiss if I did not take all I have learned in my 19 years....oops... it's 20 now, so 20 years of adulting. With that being said, Cheers to these 20 life lessons I have learned turning 20.
- Be Happy, nothing is worth your tears.
- Smile more, it strengthens you regardless of anything you are going through.
- Cry a little, do not always hold it in.
- Never settle for less than you deserve.
- Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
- Pray more! Sometimes all you need is that quick prayer to God to make things better.
- It is okay to stand out, never struggle to fit in. Be content with your individuality.
- Love yourself and cherish who you are.
- Know who you are and never let a relationship change that.
- Baby girl, KNOW YOUR WORTH.
- Never compromise who you are for someone else's comfort.
- Remember that your true friends would love you, for you.
- Your dreams might seem impossible until they are done. So keep pushing.
- Be thankful.
- If someone hurts you once, shame on them...they hurt you twice? shame on you. Remember that.
- Love all your imperfections.
- Do not let the opinions of others consume who you are.
- Chase your dreams.
- Remove negativity from your life, they'll bring you down.
- Never lose yourself.
These lessons are just a few that I have learnt while growing up and realizing who I truly am as a person, but I am pretty sure you all would have some more lessons. Let's continue the conversation in the comments below! Share a life lesson, maybe two that you have learnt and let's start a discussion!
Photography- Kwesithethird