Why I started A Blog- TheOdditty

Black girl, Thoughts, Inspirational, happy, nigerian,green.Black girl, Thoughts, Inspirational, happy, nigerian,green.
I am a passionate person with multiple interests and my blog is a reflection of me. I chose to build a brand out of myself, not an area of expertise or specific interest. 

— HeleneInBetween

I sat at my laptop for hours figuring out where to start with this blog post. I struggled with putting into words all the reasons that made me start TheOdditty. I struggled with the several emotions that constantly played back in my head while thinking about everything I had to go through to get to where I am today. I wrestled with whether or not I even needed to write this post. After all the back and forth, I got up my butt up and decided to put my pen to paper. I stopped thinking and I poured my heart out in this post and I hope you all can take something out of this or can relate to my struggles in some way. So here it is... Here is why I started TheOdditty. 

I remember clearly the day I decided to do it... to put out all my jumbled thoughts and share my dreams with anyone who cared enough to read. I remember how nervous I was to begin this journey alone. I remember the moment I got my first follower on Instagram and I remember my first comment. I remember the first time I did a photo shoot for the blog and I remember how happy I felt knowing I was finally doing something that made me happy, genuinely and unapologetically happy. I would never forget the first time a close friend laughed at me and told me I was crazy for doing this. I would never forget the disdain in my mom's voice when she found out I had decided to start blogging. I would never forget the first time I got my first hateful comment (which I deleted of course) and I would never forget the first time I felt broken inside because this big dream of mine wasn't happening fast enough. 

I'm someone who was never able to answer the question "What do you want to be when you grow up? Right from when I was a child I could never settle for one thing. I wanted to be in everything, I would be involved in the choir, gymnastics, debate team e.t.c literally anything I could lay my hands on. I had so many interests and I just could never pick one. It also never helped that whatever I put my mind to, I was good at. I was called an "Oversabi" (this is a term used for someone who does too much in Nigeria), I was jeered at for always wanting the "attention" on me and was even called the weird one or the different one. I struggled to find friends who understood my drive to do many things or break the norm and I constantly felt left out even if I never showed it. 

I have always been that person who has always been thought to have her life together but I assure you I am not. I am far from put together but I am not broken either. I started TheOdditty because like a lot of bloggers out there I needed an avenue to express myself. I am a very passionate person with multiple interests and I wanted a blog that was a reflection of me. I hope to use TheOdditty to find the beauty in my ugly and use that strength to stitch back my life together. Starting this journey has been such a struggle but slowly and surely I would get there and I hope you all would want to be a part of it. 

So yeah, that's why I started TheOdditty and I have learned to not look back ever since. I would love to know what you all would want to see from me on this blog! Let me know in the comments below and I would try my hardest to fulfill every one of your requests! You get a blog post! You get a blog post! Everyone gets a blog post!! Haha!

See you all in my next blog post,







Photography- @candidlycreole

Sofiyat Ibrahim

Sofiyat Ibrahim, I am a 19 year old Senior at a University in the United States.


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